Faith Olivia.......

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We've missed you!!

WOW...I'm not even going to blog about what we have been doing...Josh is finally back to work and we are in Lula, MS. He is working in Helena, Ar, we are about 50 miles from Memphis, TN. It is beautiful here, we are staying right on the Mississippi river, and it is great, although the Mississippis isn't the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, it does remind me of home!
Now on to the good stuff!
Whats up with Faith you ask...A LOT!
She is a crazy crazy girl! She is crawling ALL OVER the place, getting into EVERYTHING including dog food, and that is fun!! We have been doing tons of swimming!! I feel like I never hold her anymore, because she wants to be off doing her own thing, acting like a BIG girl :(. I can't believe she is almost 1...that almost makes me cry typing it! She has both of her bottom teeth right now, and I believe she is working on a top one, if not she needs a major attitude adjustment!

Last weekend we went to the Memphis Zoo, it was A LOT of fun, Faith didn't really get it, but she got to play with her daddy in the water, so that was fun...well for him at least! I'm sure I've missed a lot of things, but with a baby crawling around I have to end it at this! I PROMISE to blog more now that we are here & "settled" for more missing a month of blogging!!!



  1. I love that one of her all bundled up! I wish the weather would straighten up around here... you're not missing much! Hope all is well with you. We MISS you too!!

  2. I'm glad you're settled in and you're back! I've missed your blog posts.

  3. I'm soo glad we are back, I feel like I've left so much of what we have done out...but piece by piece hopefully I will get all the pictures and stories updated!!!!

    Jess, I had to catch up on all of your blogging & it was WONDERFUL, the boys are getting so big, and Grady looks JUST like you!! MISS YOU!!!
